Please call to register for classes.  805-807-0566

Current Class Schedule:

Class enrollment is on an ongoing and consecutive basis.

Monday: 4:00pm - 7:00pm Studio Coaching — Current focus: Life Drawing with Models.

Tuesday:  10:00am - 1:00pm   Oil Painting/Watercolor & Studio Workshop

Saturday:  10:00am - 1:00pm    Drawing Foundations (all levels) & Studio Coaching (all media)

Call to register.

Classes run once a week (3 hours mostly).

— Cost per 3 hour class:  $69.00  

— 4 Consecutive Classes — $260

  — 8 Consecutive Classes$485

Makeup Policy:

Class enrollment is ongoing and consecutive. Classes my be made up only if advance notice is given (at least 24 hrs in advance). Make-ups must be scheduled within 30 days of absence and can be taken during any other class time if space is available.


Class Demonstration: charcoal on toned paper by George Paliotto

Class Demonstration: charcoal on toned paper by George Paliotto

Charcoal Class demo by Mark Schwartz

Charcoal Class demo by Mark Schwartz

Charcoal drawing demo by George Paliotto

Charcoal drawing demo by George Paliotto

Watercolor palette and brushes

Watercolor palette and brushes